Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Running with the Wanka´s

Last Sunday I had the good fortune of piling into Victor´s SUV, with Victor and Iris of course, to head out of the city to visit Victor´s parents in the country. Not far from home, along the city´s edge, we came across a small group of what looked to me like high quality runners. Iris explained to me that the Wanka´s are known for their running just like the Kenyan´s. How did I not know this! Now I don´t particularly remember any Peruvians being front runners in the olympics last summer but I could be wrong. Perhaps Paigie or Steve know better and I guess altitude is condusive to great running performance so who am I to say? But anyway, Iris went on to tell me that these men are training for the Huancayo marathon in November. MARATHON!!! ¨I run marathon in Chicago,¨ I responded and so the three of us decided I will run this marathon in November. Only four and a half months away...

... Hmmm. It really does sound great. I would love to run a marathon in Perú it´s just that my training has been lacking somewhat lately. I´m just hoping that one day in November Iris and Victor won´t say ¨Okay Heather, put on your shoes, jump in the race!¨ It´s just that I´d hate to disappoint.

Is it even possible to train down here? Do they sell Gatorade? How about GU? If I pass out will someone pick me up or leave me to sunburn under the Peruvian sky? If I run will the street dogs chase me? All very real questions that I don´t have the linguistic capabilities to ask at the moment. Looks like this one will be TBD.


  1. You can do it!! Now how cool will this be, right? Maybe the entire Rink family needs a road trip to Peru!! (and a plane and a car)

  2. I thought a Wanka was one one Willy's relatives. Seriously, that's the first thing I thought when I read your post's title. Oops.

    So what's a Wanka?

  3. A wanka´s just a person who lives in Huancayo... as far as I can tell. It is also spelled Huanka but I prefer the Willy spelling.

  4. Some peace corps volunteers from Togo ran the Jordan marathon during their service. On their training runs they would have friends ride bikes beside them to give them water. I'm not sure what they did for electrolytes, etc. Maybe someone sent GU from home? Regardless, you can do anything you set your mind to! Heellooooo - you are living in Peru. Need I say more. ( :

  5. Oh my gosh Heathie!!!!! Cuy? Brings back memories of eating our pet squirrels with be be's left in the little guys. You are a brave little Rink. I love reading your blog. Keep it coming. I'm living vicariously through you. What a wonderful experience. Miss you! Hurry home so you can get that Ph.D.

  6. Joanie!!! You totally crack me up with that squirrel talk but I would expect nothing less of the Rinks. Gotta love it! Miss you sooo much. Tell everyone hi for me. I´ll talk to you soon!
