Sunday, November 29, 2009
Nazca Video - EL MONITO!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
On our first day we were unable to go sand boarding so instead we went on a quick tour of some landmarks located slightly outside of Nasca. First stop was to see some aquaducts.

Lima Part 1

Amy and me in the Miraflores neighborhood of Lima.

Michelle got in around 11pm. We went back to our lovely hostel, slept and then got up early for our 6 to 8 hour ride to Nasca. Between the flight and the bus, poor Michelle spent the first two days of her vacation travelling. Bad planning on my part. Oops!

Amy and Michelle on our never ending bus ride to Nasca!
Next time in Nasca...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tuesday November 24 - Lima
Rachel and Heather head into Lima
Wednesday November 25 - Lima
Pick up Amy at the airport and celebrate her 28th birthday! Pisco Sour anyone?
Thursday November 26 - Lima
Pick up Michelle at the airport and celebrate Thanksgiving by carving potatoes into the shape of a turkey.
Friday November 27 - Lima/Nazca
Sand boarding... thank you Michelle and Dan for forcing me to break my face snow boarding maybe now I can take it up a notch and do it on sand.
Saturday November 28 - Nazca/Arequipa
Check out crazy Nazca lines (Isn´t there a drawing of a large naked man in the sand? I would like to see that please.)/Travel day
Sunday November 29 - Arequipa/Puno
Lake Titicaca... um, best name ever.
Monday November 30 - Puno
More Lake Titicaca Island Action... apparently we need to bribe locals with fruit. Bring on the oranges.
Tuesday December 1 - Puno/Cuzco
Wednesday December 2 - Cuzco
Thursday December 3 - Cuzco
Friday December 4 - Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Try not to fall off cliff.
Saturday December 5 - Machu Picchu
Sunday December 6 - Cuzco/Lima
Monday December 7 - Lima
Michelle flies back to Chicago... Tear tear
Tuesday December 8 - Lima
Amy flies back to Chicago... Tear tear
Rachel and Heather go back to Huancayo... but only for 12 days! Sweet!
The plan is to update the blog every few days again so check back often... you know how I love those comments.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Weirdness in Huancayo

Peru´s other national animal (besides cuy) is the llama. In fact, llamas are so loved that someone decided to take the time to sculpt one out of a pineapple while apparently on the job at a local fruit smoothy place. Very artistic.

Café Obama is also a good place to go. Think this is one of those, ¨If you build it, he will come¨ kind of things?
Best comb over ever... enough said.
Multi-session polygamy??? Totally cool here...

About a year ago a mall was built in Huancayo and for the first time many Huancainos were presented with the challenge of an escalator. So let me just put this out there: I am a mean, mean gringo. This is know. But trust me, it is somewhat entertaining to watch the Huancainos attempt to navigate the escalators. In the video above I am rooting for the woman in the blue top so keep your eye on her.
... and woman in blue top finally makes it on. See Huancainos always succeed.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Friday October 30, 2009
So after all of my travels I´ve developed somewhat of a routine. Day one is always a walking tour of the city. I try to get my bearings. Sadly though, Chile and Uruguay left me exhausted so I wasn´t able to give Buenos Aires the love she deserved. I didn´t tour a single museum or historical landmark. Instead, I walked past what seemed to be a hundred different landmarks, thought to myself ¨oh isn´t that nice,¨ took a picture and moved on. Sad but true. So enjoy the pictures and find comfort in the fact that you´re not seeing anything less than what I saw during my trip to Argentina.

I then continued on my walking tour, peeked at Museo de Armas (who needs to see cannons and guns anyway?) and then rushed onto Galerias Pacifico, the fancy-pants mall in Buenos Aires. Oh it was beautiful. Kind of like the 900 Shops on Michigan Avenue. Anyway the mall was way too expensive for me but of all the historical sites in Buenos Aires I probably spent most my time at this mall (pathetic, I know). Anyway, I got to see Christian Dior, Hugo Boss and Lacoste. Definitely worth seeing. Above is a photo of the ceiling in the mall. See, super fancy.
So, I did buy one thing at the mall - Adidas shoes. Stupid me only brought flip flops, ballet flats, and heels on my vacation. People dress really nice in Chile, Uruguay and Argentina and I didn´t want to go around looking like some poorly dressed Gringo... so I figured sneakers could be skipped. Anyway, somewhere along the line my feet swelled to gargantuan proportions and I couldn´t wear any of the shoes that I brought. It was the weirdest/grossest thing ever. I still don´t understand it. How can a person run a marathon and only get a few blisters but then walk around for a couple days and have fat pregnant lady feet? The Adidas shoes were a lifesaver AND they´re the color of Argentina´s flag. Perfect!

I made it to just one park... and not even the Japanese park I wanted to go see. So sad! I think I was the only tourist out that day. I was trying to be tough (you kinda have to be when you only have two days to see a city and one of the days is crappy) but eventually the rain did me in. I never got to see the Japanese garden, the colorful houses in La Boca neighborhood or Santiago Calatrava´s crazy bridge in Puerto Madero. Instead, my stay in Buenos Aires ended sharing pizza with a bunch of Canadians in my hostel. Could be worse, I guess, but still I´ll have to go back one day.
And now I am back in Huancayo... Not gonna lie, my last day in Buenos Aires was a bit sad knowing that I had to go back. But I keep reminding myself that this is the best place for me to be for my job... and only 21 days until my girls, Amy and Michele, come to visit for almost two weeks of Perú fabulousness. So, I am counting down the days. Nazca Lines, Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu - here we come! LOVE this travel thing!
Monday, November 2, 2009
I Want to Ride my Bi-cyc-le
I´m hoping to post my Argnetina pictures within the next three days or so.
Ya hablaremos! - Heathie